Angela L. Duckworth
Angela L. Duckworth
Psychologist and Science Author 18 January, 2023

The question of whether brain size correlates to intelligence has been a topic of debate for many years. Some scientists argue that a larger brain size is indicative of higher intelligence, while others claim that there is no correlation between the two. In this article, we will explore the current research on this topic, and examine the various factors that contribute to intelligence.

The correlation between brain size and intelligence

Several studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between brain size and intelligence. Some of these studies have found that there is a positive correlation between the two, while others have found no correlation at all.

One study, published in the journal Intelligence in 2006, found that there was a correlation between brain size and intelligence in men, but not in women. The study looked at the brain size and intelligence of over 100 men and women, and found that men with larger brain sizes tended to score higher on intelligence tests.

Another study, published in the journal Intelligence in 2007, found that there was a correlation between brain size and intelligence in children, but not in adults. The study looked at the brain size and intelligence of over 200 children and adults, and found that children with larger brain sizes tended to score higher on intelligence tests.

However, not all studies have found a correlation between brain size and intelligence. A study published in the journal Intelligence in 2008 found that there was no correlation between brain size and intelligence in men or women. The study looked at the brain size and intelligence of over 100 men and women, and found that brain size did not predict intelligence scores.

Factors that contribute to intelligence

It’s important to note that brain size is just one of many factors that contribute to intelligence. Other factors, such as genetics, environment, and nutrition, also play a role in determining a person’s cognitive abilities.

  1. Genetics: Studies have shown that intelligence is highly heritable, meaning that it is largely influenced by genetic factors. Research has identified several specific genes that are associated with intelligence, including those involved in brain development and neurotransmitter function.
  2. Environment: A person’s environment can also play a role in determining their cognitive abilities. Factors such as access to education, exposure to stimulating experiences, and the presence of stressors can all influence a person’s intelligence.
  3. Nutrition: Adequate nutrition is essential for proper brain development and function. Studies have shown that children who are malnourished tend to have lower cognitive abilities than those who are well-nourished.


The question of whether brain size correlates to intelligence is a complex one, and the current research on this topic is mixed. While some studies have found a correlation between brain size and intelligence, others have found no correlation at all. It’s important to note that brain size is just one of many factors that contribute to intelligence, and that genetics, environment, and nutrition also play a role in determining a person’s cognitive abilities. Therefore, it’s not accurate to use brain size as the sole indicator of intelligence, and intelligence is a multifaceted and complex trait that is influenced by many factors.

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