Angela L. Duckworth
Angela L. Duckworth
Psychologist and Science Author 03 January, 2023

IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a measure of cognitive abilities and potential. IQ tests are standardized assessments that aim to measure an individual’s cognitive abilities and potential. These tests are often used in educational and occupational settings to determine academic and career potential, and can be administered to individuals of all ages. One of the common questions that arise when considering taking an IQ test is what is considered a “good” IQ score for a specific age group.

A “good” IQ score can vary depending on the individual’s age, as well as the specific test being used. However, most IQ tests are standardized using a sample of the general population and are based on a mean score of 100 with a standard deviation of 15. This means that about 68% of the population scores between 85 and 115, and 95% of the population scores between 70 and 130.

An IQ score of 100 is considered average, while scores above 130 are considered high and scores below 70 are considered low. However, it’s important to note that IQ tests are not the only measure of intelligence, and other factors such as motivation, personality, and socio-economic background can also play a role in an individual’s success.

When it comes to specific age groups, a good IQ score can be defined as follows:

  • For children aged 2 to 7, an IQ of 90 or above is considered above average.
  • For children aged 8 to 12, an IQ of 110 or above is considered above average.
  • For teenagers aged 13 to 18, an IQ of 120 or above is considered above average.
  • For adults aged 19 and above, an IQ of 130 or above is considered above average.

It’s important to note that IQ scores are not a measure of an individual’s worth, but rather a measure of their cognitive abilities. Additionally, IQ tests have been criticized for cultural bias and for not fully capturing the complexity of human intelligence.

In conclusion, a “good” IQ score can vary depending on the individual’s age, as well as the specific test being used. However, most IQ tests are standardized using a sample of the general population and are based on a mean score of 100 with a standard deviation of 15. A score of 100 is considered average, while scores above 130 are considered high and scores below 70 are considered low. However, it’s important to consider that IQ tests are not the only measure of intelligence and other factors such as motivation, personality, and socio-economic background can also play a role in an individual’s success.

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